The visual part of the app is made by Front-end Developer Jort. When he was ten years old, he borrowed a book about HTML from the library, and since then he has been devoted to 'building things'. Jort doesn't mind lifting 80 kilo's of steel beams, has five children, a rabbit farm in his garden and is saving up for a sleeve of Narnia.
Front-end Developer
"The front end of the app, the visual part, I make that. I really like building things. I like it best when I get to work out a new feauture. I have to make sure that something is created as completely as possible, and at the same time it has to be feasible. I am very proud of the home screen. There you can see all the flows with corresponding information and you can create your own flow. It's the core of the app, and I think it worked really well. It is simple and flexible. Daan designed it very nicely, and I built it so that it works as it should."
"When I was about ten years old I borrowed a booklet about HTML from the library. I knew you could make websites yourself, and that seemed cool. In that book I read how code works, and from then on my interest grew. Actually, that never stopped. That's as it should be, because coding is a fast-developing branch of sport. If you don't keep up, you lose relevance. I read articles about the technical world, keep an eye on some companies and check on LinkedIn what people around me are doing. You have to stay curious, and not think like: now I'm done learning, and that's it."
Five kids
"There are stories circulating that as a child I cried out that I wanted to be a father, where my peers all chose fireman. It worked out pretty well though; my wife and I have five kids. Every month we have a movie night and sit in front of the television with the whole family and all sorts of goodies. With children between the ages of five and twelve, we have to look for movies that are not too exciting but not too boring either. The latest Ice Age was a great success. We also sometimes go to a thrift store to buy old movies on DVD. They cost a quarter or so. If it's no good, you throw it away, but if it's a success, you can always watch it again. That way you don't need all those subscriptions. Only if we all have the flu do I subscribe to Disney+ for a month."
"My wife and I were quite chaotic with money; anything that came in, we always used up. And mostly on groceries, it turned out once we dug into our finances. Slowly but surely, we started making more and more use of jars, at the time with Knab. But I found it irritating that my salary was not directly divided over our various accounts. It worked via direct debit, but if you get your salary a little earlier, you have to wait until the date of your direct debit, or you still have to do it manually. I heard about the app through Danny, who I have known for almost 25 years and who also works at Flow. When I found out that Flow automatically divides your money over your budgets as soon as your salary is paid I thought: hey, this is exactly what I was looking for. Flow is a real godsend for me. And I wasn't even working there at the time."
"Danny kept nagging me to come and work at Flow. He and I worked together at several companies, and it always went really well. Since he wouldn't stop talking about it, I started talking. It didn't take long before I was convinced. Especially because Flow's work is so product-oriented and they really go for quality. The basic principle is: the user should see as little of the app as possible. You have to set it up right once and then you're not really involved with it anymore. Because it works very easily and intuitively. There is a lot of complexity behind the app, but the user doesn't notice anything of it. And that's the power of Flow."
Pulling a Truck
"I do Strongman Training: lifting big, heavy things and walking with them. I think Farmers Walk is the most fun part. It's called that because people used to walk with hay bales, but I do it with steel beams with handles, which are 40 pounds each. I lift two of them and you have to walk 30 meters with them and back again. And as fast as possible. What I like about it is the speed element. It's not just about lifting something and putting it down again, you really have to walk a distance with it. That is largely technique. One day I would like to pull a truck, that also involves a lot of technique. I'll have to train a bit more for that."
Narnia sleeve
"In my upbringing, I didn't learn anything about how to handle money decently. For example, when I was just starting out as a freelancer, I didn't know that you also have to set money aside for taxes. That was a painful realization at the time, and I didn't want that to happen again. Just like not having money for a new washing machine or something. So I started putting money aside for that every month, and I still do. My wife and I also have 20 jars: for pocket money, clothing and care, the car, a jar to celebrate our wedding anniversary each year, and a jar for the Efteling amusement park. The children also put some money in there once in a while, because they really want to go to the Efteling someday. We have to save up for that. Furthermore, we do not save for anything big, except for tattoos, for my wife and me. I have four now, and want a very big sleeve of Narnia. But that will cost hundreds of euros, so I can't cough that up in one go. But that sleeve will come."
Bunny breeding
"I want to give my children a better financial upbringing than I received myself. Our oldest daughter makes money playing the violin in the city, and she has her own rabbit farm in our garden. She sells the 20 to 50 bunnies that are born each year through Marketplace. The money she earns goes into 5 different jars: a jar for straw, hay and feed for the rabbits, a piggy bank, with which she saves for something bigger, a jar with 'freedom money' to spend herself, and 10% of what she earns she gives to charity. She won't make the same mistake later as I did, and set aside enough money for taxes.