The millennial is often called lazy, self-satisfied and uninvolved, but recent research shows this image to be anything but true. Donating to one or more charities is part of the identity and shows what they stand for in life.
The new generation likes to give generously to charities that they consider good and important: from environmental causes and human rights to medical help and preventing animal suffering. They prefer to give to charities that have a direct impact, so they know where their money goes.
Automatize donations
Although millennials are very eager to do their part, research shows that charities find it difficult to reach them. They prefer not to donate via monthly direct debits over which you have little control. Today's charity givers, who has his groceries delivered via an app and orders a taxi via Uber, wants donations to charity as easy as that. Fortunately, Flow has the solution: through the app you can now automatically set donations to various charities!

How it works
In Flow, you can set how much you want to donate each month. For example, transfer 1% of your salary automatically and fight together with the Plastic Soup Surfer for plastic-free oceans. Let the €43.73 you have left at the end of the month contribute to the fight against sexual exploitation of underage girls through Free A Girl. Or spend your left-over household money to invest in increasing medical opportunities for children with heart defects through Stichting Hartekind.
See the list of charities in the Flow app here.
Also contribute in a simple way to a better world and record your donations now in your monthly Flow.