Budgeting and investing the smart way: it may sound difficult and complicated, but is actually very simple. Do you have to know everything about the AEX index and how Ahold is doing? Fortunately not. Being smart with your money is for everyone. So, you always have a buffer for emergencies, you know exactly how much you can spend each month, and you invest in your future.

You'll find the Budget & Invest flow template in the Flow app, so you can use your Flow account to budget and invest your incoming salary in minutes. Smart and fully automated.

Here's how it works. The example is based on a net income of €3000. Of course, you can easily adjust it to your personal situation.

When your salary comes in:

  • Send €1500 to fixed charges
  • Send €500 to your Meesman index account
  • Transfer €250 to your vacation savings account

And next:

  • Fill the Grocery money account to €350
  • Send €150 to pocket money

And from what's left:

  • Feel the emergency buffer up to €15,000

And then what's left:

  • Send 100% to Meesman index account

With this flow, you work with a budget, keep a good track of your savings buffer and automatically invest in your future. Good for now, and good for later.

Find out more about smart and passive investing with Meesman.