After hard work, the good news is here: Knab is connected to Flow! Flow has worked with Knab to create a link that is even better than we dared to dream. We go one step further than other banks. So, you can even automatically transfer money from & to your savings accounts. And we support automatic payments between your own accounts. Flow gives Knab superpowers!
You can do all this:
- Knab offers multiple IBANs, and you link them all to your Flow account in one go
- Knab offers unlimited savings accounts, and all those savings accounts are available in Flow and you can automatically transfer money from & to your savings account
- With Knab, you can have automatic payments made between your own bank accounts
- With Knab, Flow can check the accounts in the background every hour, so your data is always up-to-date (with other banks this is 4x a day)
- Knab offers Apple Pay. So multiple bank accounts are even easier to manage now.
With this Knab connection, it has never been easier to fully automate your banking and finances. This is a big step towards a future where we automatically budget, save and invest.