For more than 35 years SnelStart has been the accounting software for all types of entrepreneurs, from freelancers and SMEs to bookkeepers and accountants. They make accounting easy, and that's precisely what Flow does: make finance easier.

By using Flow alongside SnelStart, entrepreneurs can save a lot of time and money. Daan van Klinken of Flow: "Together we can build a bridge between the accounting world and the cash flow world of entrepreneurs."
Flow developed the 'accountant view function' together with SnelStart. This means that accountants can now look at the cash flows of their customers who are connected to Flow: "By gaining insight into the cash flows of entrepreneurs, accountants can give very specific advice throughout the year, not just when the annual reports are drawn up. Current Flows can be set up and shared. It's a unique functionality, because it allows the accountant to take on a more advisory role and work more closely with the client."
The accountant view function: here's how it works.

The accountant is given access to the entrepreneur's Flows after permission, so that the customer's finances can be looked at in the SnelStart environment. This allows accountant and entrepreneur to work more closely together and the accountant can give more proactive advice: about already existing Flows, or advise setting up new Flows, for example about pension, AOV, income taxes or investing. An ideal financial situation is created, which is automatically linked to the Flow app.
The advantage for the entrepreneur: More overview in the cash flow and no more cash flow problems. This leaves entrepreneurs with more time and energy to concentrate on their core business.
The advantage for the accountant: Close cooperation with the customer and a strong advisory role.
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