Want to make an automatic donation to your favorite charity in a smart and simple way? That is possible via the Flow app. Flow is very proud of its new partnership with Free a Girl. Free a Girl, the foundation founded by Yolanthe Cabau and others, fights the sexual exploitation of girls in seven countries.

After girls are freed from the hands of traffickers or from massage parlours and brothels, Free a Girl makes sure they receive acute aftercare. If they want to, they can become change agents through training via the School for Justice. In this way they can help prevent more girls from becoming victims of sexual exploitation.

Lasting change

With a small team, the, often dangerous, liberation work is carried out among others in Thailand, Laos, Nepal, India and Brazil. Employees collect evidence by discovering information flows undercover or conducting online research as cyber security professionals. Since its inception in 2008, Free a Girl has been able to rescue more than 6,000 girls from sexual exploitation in 7 countries. To ensure lasting change, Free a Girl works with local project partners to provide access to justice, including providing legal support to victims in reporting crimes and sharing information on suspects with the police.

Collaboration with Flow

"Several Dutch celebrities volunteer as ambassadors for Free a Girl, to bring attention to the distressing situation of sexually exploited children," says Walther Hesselink, Marketing Director of Free a Girl. "On social media we reach 7 million people, but donations are never enough. The more donations, the more people we can hire to track down and rescue girls. It's great that people can now donate flexibly through the Flow app, we hope this way to reach a new audience that will support us."

How it works

With Flow you can set how much you want to donate to Free a Girl on a monthly or yearly basis. For example, transfer 1% of your salary automatically, or deposit the amount you have left at the end of the month.

Contribute in a simple way to a better world and record your donations in your monthly Flow. Download Flow now!